Wendy's Story!

“Being a fuller bust and plus size woman, I have struggled most of my life trying to figure out and get the right size bra.
For a long time my only options were either waiting for people to travel, the secondhand market or hand me downs. It was frustrating and I ended up with self-confidence issues, dressing in baggy clothes to camouflage my bust and body in general. I had bad posture and back aches.”
"Today I look in the mirror and see a woman that has learnt to love herself unconditionally, a woman who has learnt not to be too hard on herself and a woman who has learnt to embrace her curves."
~ Wendy Waweru
The Birth of a Business

I always wished that someone would open a shop selling underwear for plus size women. It dawned on me, I could be the one. Who better to sell plus size underwear than someone who feels the pain? I started talking to others who were going through the same struggle of not finding perfect fitting bras locally. I went for a Bra Fit training course in the UK. I got accredited as a Bra Fit Stylist by Panache Lingerie. My passion is to see fuller busted women embrace their curves, feel amazing and confident by wearing the right fitting bras with beautiful and colorful options 😊 (not just black, beige and white). I believe that the foundation of any good wardrobe is underwear.
Visit My Curves for a free bra fitting consultation.
Read Wendy's Story on Biko Zulu's Blog
Confidence In A Cup
I’m seated in the back office of a store at Two Rivers Mall and I’m talking to Wendy Karira about her breasts. This conversation wouldn’t have been odd at all had it not been sabbath. Because I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to talk about breasts on this day. She is particular on how she would like me to address them, because initially I was calling them boobs. She had said no, don’t call them boobs, call them breasts. I said, why do you get to call them boobs and I call them breasts and she laughed and said, “Because I have a special relationship with them, we are like girls…Read the whole